Campaign to Support Building a Dream Library with 1,000 Books for 500 Elementary School Students in the Coastal Central Region of Bình Thuận

Join us in helping to build a dream library with over 1,000 books for 500 elementary school children in the underprivileged coastal central region of Vietnam. The campaign will take place during the back-to-school season of the new school year, in September 2024.

Donation story

Recipient Organization:

Dream Library


100,027,748 / 100,000,000 VNDC

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"I wish I had more books to read," "The new school year is approaching, but I don't have any books for school," "I hope there will be more Dream Libraries so my friends at other schools can have one like we do in our village." These were the dreams shared by A Tỉnh, a young student at Kơ Pa Kơ Lơng Elementary School, Đăk Hà District, Kontum, both before and after the Dream Library came to his school.

These dreams may seem small and insignificant, something that students in the city never have to worry about and consider a part of their daily lives. In the impoverished rural areas, children not only lack books but also the basic conditions for learning and development. However, this does not extinguish the flame of dreams in their eyes. Recognizing this longing, the Dream Library aims to accompany and support these children by bringing knowledge to them so that their dreams can become a reality and soar higher and farther.

Images of the children intently reading books during recess

"Books are the key to unlocking the doors of intelligence and freedom." - Oprah Winfrey. It is through the pages of books that children are transported to a new world full of progress and happiness. Books are the foundation that helps them become global citizens early on, contributing their talents and intellect to the country.

Extracurricular activities of the library
Dream Library is a project that not only creates a place for reading but also provides a space for children to engage in artistic, creative activities, and learn new skills. We believe that with each book placed on the shelf, a dream takes flight. And with each library built, a brighter future unfolds for the children.

To achieve this, we need your help. "Many hands make light work." With just a small contribution, you can bring joy and hope to the children. You can help us create a place where children in underprivileged areas can easily access knowledge.

Children studying in the Dream Library under the guidance of dedicated teachers

Imagine the joy and excitement on their faces as they see brand-new books, clean study corners, and colorful creative activities. Picture the sound of laughter, the bright eyes as they turn each page, and the dreams being nurtured day by day.

We believe that with the community's support, the Dream Library will become a reality, bringing positive changes to the lives of these children. Let's plant seeds of hope together, so that dreams are no longer distant but become reality.

Together, let's turn these small dreams into reality. Each book, each library is a step towards a brighter future for the children. We eagerly await your support and partnership.

Through the Crypto for Life donation channel, the ONUS community, and the Cardano4Good project, the Dream Library project aims to raise 100,000,000 VND. This amount will enable the construction of a library with over 1,000 books, helping approximately 500 children in the underprivileged coastal central region of Bình Thuận, Vietnam, to have access to books - a source of endless creativity.

Brief introduction information about Foundation and Sponsors:

LIBRARY OF DREAMS - is a CREATIVE LIBRARY project for Vietnamese children in areas with limited access to books and cultural, artistic, and creative activities. The project was founded by Ms. Nguyễn Phi Vân, President of the Southeast Asia Angel Investment Network, in 2014. By 2017, the project was upgraded to the social enterprise Dream Library. The creative library is a place that nurtures imagination, helps children access knowledge from all over the world, and plants the seeds of dreams for them to become 21st-century global citizens.

As of the end of May 2024, the project has built 269 Dream Libraries in over 35 provinces across Vietnam: Hà Tĩnh, Nghệ An, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, Thanh Hóa, Thừa Thiên Huế, Bắc Giang, Hà Giang, Lạng Sơn, Phú Thọ, Tuyên Quang, Bến Tre, Đồng Tháp, Tiền Giang, Vĩnh Long, Bắc Ninh, Hưng Yên, Vĩnh Phúc, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu, Bình Phước, Đồng Nai, Tây Ninh, Ho Chi Minh City, Quảng Nam, Quảng Ngãi, Hòa Bình, Lai Châu, Lào Cai, Sơn La, Yên Bái, Đắk Lắk, Đắk Nông, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Lâm Đồng, and more. The total number of students who have accessed books and participated in artistic activities is over 134,500 (approximately 450 students per elementary school). Every week, all schools commit to having at least one class use the library for one period, resulting in approximately 5,380 library usage hours weekly across all elementary classes in the 269 libraries.

The project's aspiration is to build 1,000 libraries impacting 1,000,000 students by 2030, covering 10% of public middle schools across Vietnam.

Support Guidelines

Method 1: Support through Campaign (Off-chain on App)

  • On the main screen, select "Add."
  • Choose "Crypto for Life."
  • Select "Support."
  • Choose the asset you want to support and enter the amount.
  • Select "Support now."

Method 2: Off-chain Transfer to Cardano4Good Account

  • Choose the type of crypto you want to donate: VNDC, USDT, or ADA.
  • Select "Send Off-chain": 6277729709601890206
  • Enter the receiving address
  • Confirm and complete.

Method 3: On-chain Transfer to Platform Wallet

  • In your blockchain wallet, select the type of crypto you want to support: VNDC, USDT, or ADA.
  • Choose "Send On-chain." Select the ONUS Chain network or the Cardano network.
  • Enter the receiving wallet address:
    • For USDT/VNDC (Ensure you select the correct corresponding network): 0x879762Ff7d09C2f32272E96662196eCEB7726215
    • For ADA (Cardano network): addr1qxx0jj43nr7rsrj6ncasx59ysu083f44pwkj22saduvp50swf5sys37jlapmm55eexyzu43yqk8ph6vmtkprfmttgtaqxnpy8y
  • Confirm and complete the transaction.


Please refresh the browser every 5 minutes to see the updated transactions.

(*) Please note donations may not be reflected on the website or calculated in the total amount immediately. If your donation is not showing after 24 hours, please contact us via [email protected]

Total amount received


Total transactions:82

Wallet Address




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Budget plan

Milestone 1

  • Task: Local survey, school infrastructure assessment
  • Acceptance criteria: Acceptance inspection images
  • Proposed budget: 50%
  • Estimated time: August 2024
  • Proof Links: Images, interview clips, news links from third parties or organizations

Milestone 2

  • Task: Completion of library construction, renovation
  • Acceptance criteria: Acceptance inspection images
  • Proposed budget: 50%
  • Estimated time: September 2024
  • Proof Links: Images, interview clips, news links from third parties or organizations

Budget released

Milestone 1

  • Proposed budget: 50% ~ 50,000,000 VNDC
  • Actual Time: 1 September 2024

Proof links:

Milestone 2

  • Proposed Budget: 50% ~ 50,000,000 VNDC
  • Actual Time: 25 September 2024

Community news